Sunday, August 7, 2011

Volkswagon- A Chinese car....  


    This will beat all the low fuel consumption cars in the world!

           NEW CAR- FOR $600------- New Single Seat VW (INR:: 27965 Rs) 

This is not a toy, not a concept car. It is a newly developed single seat car in highly aerodynamic tear-shape road-proven real car. It is ready to be launched as a single-seater for sale in Shanghai in 2010 for a mere RMB 4,000 (US$600)!

Interested? Wait till you learn that it will cruise at 100-120 Km/Hr with an unbelievable 0.99litre/100Km (258 miles/gallon)! 

Impressed? Totally, after you have read all the details below about the hi-tech and space-age material input into this car! 
The Most Economic Car in the World will be on sale next year 

Better than Electric Car - 258 miles/gallon: IPO 2010 in Shanghai

This is a single seated car

From conception to production: 3 years and the company is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany.

Will be selling for 4000 yuan, equivalent to US$600..

Gas tank capacity = 1.7 gallons

Speed = 62 - 74.6 Miles/hour

Fuel efficiency = 258 miles/gallon

Travel distance with a full tank = 404 miles

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The EDGE Technology....  


  I think the word EDGE Technology is familiar to you. Atleast to those guys who use GPRS or Internet in their mobile phones. Therefore a question to them; Do you know what this really is ???? Have you ever thought how does this work????
  EDGE is the acronym for Enhanced Data Rate for GSM Evolution/Environment which is generally an extended version of GSM. This technology is also nick named as 2.75G as this is the transmission path between 2G and 3G. EDGE is also termed as IMT-SC or Single Carrier. EDGE technology is invented and introduced by Cingular, which is now known as AT&T..EDGE   is considered as pre-3G technology and is apart of ITU's 3G definition.
  EDGE technology is a backward compatible technology, in the sense that older versions of mobiles can be equipped with EDGE technology. EDGE technology not only helps you to connect to Internet but also it enhances all multimedia services.Edge is all-like GSM because both have the same symbol rate as it does not require any additional hardware or software parts. But still there is a minor differences between these two technologies in the sense that EDGE is three times faster data transmission rate than ordinary GPRS. This is because EDGE uses 8PSK (8Phase Shift Keying) in addition to Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK). EDGE produces a 3-bit word for every change in carrier phase. This is the reason why EDGE supports three times faster data rate. The EDGE supports a bandwidth of 236.8 Kbps for 4 time slots (theoretical bandwidth is 473.6 Kbps for 8 time slots) in packet switching mode.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Want to speed up your Internet connection???? - Here are the tips....  


 The new generation likes to spend their time in the Internet. Most of the youngsters kill their time in front of this widening technology. If this surfing is just fro a fun, then a slow connection may well frustrate us. While some others are working on the internet, it may cost them money as well time may be their valuable customers too.... Therefore here I'm presenting some tips for you to really escape from the slow connection problem.

Wanna boost the speed???

1. All the computers logged on to the internet in your office or house have the potential to slow down yoor transmission speed. Therefore always make sure that those computers which are not active should be disconnected from the Internet.

2. The speed of your Internet connection also depends greatly on the types of browsers you use. Mozilla Firefox and Google chrome are some of the best browsers available in the market now. Also you can test-drive some browsers and can select from them which really suits your system.

3. If you are using Wi-Fi connection don't share it with your neighborhood as this may considerably slow down your  connection. Care should be taken to have a stronger password to prevent access to your hub.

4. If you are not that much worried about the graphics which are displayed on the webpage, don't forget to turn-on your text-only display.

5. Care should be taken to clear your cache once in a while. Caching is not good always. This is good for frequently viewed webpages by you, but it may slow down other pages.

6. Malware and spyware may also cause problems. Apart from their safety  concerns, they can also slow you down. Check your disks regularly and clean them.

7. Try rebooting the router. Turn the power to your home network off and then boot it to check whether it will boost your  Internet connection.

8. All the background running problems should be shut down. Each and every program that you run while surfing will reduce the connection speed to the Internet.

9. Maintenance is also important. Never neglect the frequent maintenance of your system. Always keep your disk clean and keep running defragmentation processes regularly.

10. Try changing your CDMA phones or wireless camera. These phones which uses 2.4 GHz may interrupt the internet connection. Wireless security cameras also works near to that frequency and may slow down the connection. So check that by removing them.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Why do flies get attracted to the light sources ????  


   After sunset, just turn on your porch light and soon you will be treated to a hundreds of, thousands of bugs. And more interestingly frogs and other predators takes advantage of their easy catchings.... But always remember not all insects get attracted to those impulses. Unfortunately this is a cruel trick played by our innovation moving faster than their evolution.
   A well accepted theory about this is that some insects use these light source as a navigational aid. Consider the example below:
An insect flying towards north, for its navigation may keep sun or moon as a reference source as far as the source of light remain constant  and at a distance. However the insect get confused with the source of radiation from an incandescent bulb in the porch as the flies the light to be at either of its sides for navigation.
   Actually the phenomenon which explains why some insects are attracted towards light and why some show repulsion is  "Photoaxis". This photoaxis can be of two types; positive and negative. Some insects like cockroaches or earthworm show repulsion and hence have negative photoaxis while others like moth,flies have positive photoaxis. Some scientists also argue that these flies are not attracted towards the light but the darker regions surrounding the light source, that is why insects are attracted towards artificial light even if the natural light becomes available.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Eternal Battery....  


    Alas.... here is the good news for all the lovers and friends. Now you can talk or text to your loved ones without bothering your mobile battery.... Is your mobile's or Ipod's battery too short that you annoy es you very much???? Is your device's battery running out of time???? Forget about it.... Here is the perfect solution for that. Now onwards you don't have to charge your portable electronic devices- it will charge themselves!!!!- and that means self-powering. All that is needed is a simple tap to your device where a "Piezoelectric" material will be placed underneath the screen; probably the touch screen. So you can charge your device whenever  you use it.

Tap to charge....

        Piezoelectric materials have not that much influenced our daily life, till now- but it is gonna be change, from now.Piezoelectric materials are those which produces electrical energy  when some mechanical energy is delivered to it. The researchers at RMIT University in Melbourne have for the first time characterized the self-powering portable electronic devices, utilizing this photoelectric phenomena.The research combined the corner stone of microchip technology- the thin film technology and the potential of Piezoelectric.
    Even though we have witnessed such self powering mechanisms in the running shoes,traffic lights or in the Pacemakers, this concept of harvesting of energy using piezoelectric nano materials can be complex and poorly suited fro mass reproduction. The research was mainly concentrated on the thin film coating as they hold the practical possibility of integrating piezoelectric in to the electronic technology.
    Now don't bother about the battery life of your mobile phone and keep talking as from now onwards the battery life is also eternal like our eternal relationships.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Zero Touchscreen  


        Nowadays can you imagine a mobile phone without a touch screen?The technology has so evolved such that the minimum requirement in today's mobile phone is a touch screen. Ohh....sorry recently touchscreen has started shifting its place to almost all the systems that are under human control. However, Texas A&M University's Interface Ecology Lab is working under a very promising technology- Zero Touch.

The Future Technology
       Zero Touch is not like other touch screens which are neither capacitive nor resistive (or any other type). Zero Touch screen is on the principle that a series of light will be projected across the screens by a number of Infrared (IR) sensors and Infrared (IR) LEDs. And the screen is touched when there is an interruption to these "invisible" light beams. Now these interruptions can be visualized to create a visual hull of any objects in the frame of these IR sensors.
        However, this concept is very much similar to capacitive touch screens where any interruption in the electrostatic field is considered as some kind of interaction with the screen. After all this is going to be much more interesting when it comes to real world.

Who knows in future whether the electronic systems touch you one day and wait for its processing....

Gravitational Perturbation  


Apart from our Sun, scientists have found more than 500 planets around the star, a majority of them spin in the same way as their star does. But for everything there will be at least one exception, that is a universal truth. Like that there are some extra solar planets that orbit around their star in a direction which is opposite to what is done by their star.These backward spinning giants are nick-named as "hot Jupiters" as much of them are gassy giants and not "rocky" as our Earth.
Actually scientists are very much weird about these "flipped orbits" as unlike Jupiter these "hot Jupiters" are much closer to the star and the scientists explain the reason for their astonishment. Orbiting in opposite direction and that too so much closer actually violates the basics of star-planet formation. According to astronomical theory big gas planets are formed far away from the star and the Earth like rock planets are born nearer to the star. But at the same time Astronomy itself are giving answers to this question: When the planetary systems contain more than one planet, apart from the star, each planet will have its own gravitational force that eventually will pull the gas giants closer to the star. This phenomenon the scientists named "Gravitational Perturbation".