The new generation likes to spend their time in the Internet. Most of the youngsters kill their time in front of this widening technology. If this surfing is just fro a fun, then a slow connection may well frustrate us. While some others are working on the internet, it may cost them money as well time may be their valuable customers too.... Therefore here I'm presenting some tips for you to really escape from the slow connection problem.
Wanna boost the speed??? |
1. All the computers logged on to the internet in your office or house have the potential to slow down yoor transmission speed. Therefore always make sure that those computers which are not active should be disconnected from the Internet.
2. The speed of your Internet connection also depends greatly on the types of browsers you use. Mozilla Firefox and Google chrome are some of the best browsers available in the market now. Also you can test-drive some browsers and can select from them which really suits your system.
3. If you are using Wi-Fi connection don't share it with your neighborhood as this may considerably slow down your connection. Care should be taken to have a stronger password to prevent access to your hub.
4. If you are not that much worried about the graphics which are displayed on the webpage, don't forget to turn-on your text-only display.
5. Care should be taken to clear your cache once in a while. Caching is not good always. This is good for frequently viewed webpages by you, but it may slow down other pages.
6. Malware and spyware may also cause problems. Apart from their safety concerns, they can also slow you down. Check your disks regularly and clean them.
7. Try rebooting the router. Turn the power to your home network off and then boot it to check whether it will boost your Internet connection.
8. All the background running problems should be shut down. Each and every program that you run while surfing will reduce the connection speed to the Internet.
9. Maintenance is also important. Never neglect the frequent maintenance of your system. Always keep your disk clean and keep running defragmentation processes regularly.
10. Try changing your CDMA phones or wireless camera. These phones which uses 2.4 GHz may interrupt the internet connection. Wireless security cameras also works near to that frequency and may slow down the connection. So check that by removing them.